Monday, 25 January 2010

I steal too much of my families clothes. :) cheeekkkyyyyyy!

Hey everyone, ive been editing a few pictures
i just quickly took. let me know what you think
as i am going to do a BIG BIG shoot with all
my friends. YAY AY! A girl named Laura
left me a message in my Cbox about this
website called and how
its easier to edit and doesnt much up your
comp like Photoshop does. So thankyou!!!!
Wow ive had a weird day! just felt quite quiet
in school today. Work is getting me down. And
i really miss my boyfriend BUT im seeing him
tomorrow :). YAY! Anyway, back to fashion!!
In these edited pictures, im wearing a long black
leather jacket which is my stepdads and some
tinted stocking/hold ups which are my stepmums
:) The headband is a thin scarf which is my mums!
WOW, this has made me realise JUST how much
of my families clothes i take! :) In the bottom pics,
i am wearing my OWN crop navy hoody from Topshop,
and my stepmums hand me down summer dress. She
bought it in a charity shop, THIRY years ago for 50p.
ME LIKEY!!! oh and the flowers are some lilies i got
mum for her birthday a while back :) i will put it back!!!
Let me know what you think and i will try and get back
all of you as soon as i can!!!
p.s im stuck for valentines day, want to do something
really special!!! let me all know what you have planned
or what someone has planned for you, (if you know).
My boyfriend might be skiing so ill be in my room watching
saw by myself if he is. I LOVE SAW.


  1. hey chirstie :) its sam!!
    someone got photoshop!! lol how u finding it? photos look amazing btw
    love you xxxx

  2. its not!!! its a really easy version of editing called its so easy and free and you dont have to subscribe. check it out. ITS DEFF WORTH IT.!!!
    love you xxxx

  3. i love these pictures, your hair looks absoulutely amazing in the last one!
    and i also love, its so useful.
    keep going with the blog, its great


  4. If you can't borrow you're families clothes than who's can you borrow? I can get away with borrowing my sister's but no one elses.

  5. i steal them whenever and true :). its nice to find new things and just experiment i guess. and thankyou for all the lovely comments everyone!!


  6. I steal all my families clothes haha! And I too lvoe saw :) ♥
    P.s. I have a contest on my blog for urban decay makeup :)

  7. cool blog hun xxx


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